Title Attribute in Web Content Forms Isn't Working

by ShiftUP 17. December 2018 01:16

 I couldn't readily find the solution for the title attribute for the Page tag not displaying on my content forms when I searched online so I posted the solution here.

The title attribute is used on child (content) pages to display different title tags than what is set on the master page.  An example of the purpose of the title attribute is to be able to set your index page title to 'ShiftUp Consulting - Welcome to our website' and your contact page title to be 'ShiftUP Consulting - Please let us know what you think of the website'. More...

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google

by ShiftUP 7. April 2018 12:41

After talking to a client today about Search Engine Optimization I went for a browse on the internet to see the percentage of the online search market each of the search engines hold. I had assumed that Google held the largest market share but I was considerably off in my assessment of just how much they held. This link at hitslink (at the time of publication) indicates that Google owns over 85% of the search market share and pulls its data from a pool of 160 million visitors a month and for comparison.  Hitwise says Google has just shy of 70% of the market here. More...

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Clients | SEO

SQL - Varchar vs. Nvarchar vs. Char vs. Nchar

by ShiftUP 26. March 2018 15:21

"Why are we getting a ? in our SQL database in people's names?"  Well a while back we came across this problem from one of our clients in the first name and last name fields in their client database.  The problem was that we were using varchar (which only accepts regular English language type letters and symbols) and not nvarchar which accepts unicode characters such as â or é for other languages.  I thought I'd help out people having the same problem and explain the difference between char, varchar, nchar and nvarchar here. More...

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