You're here looking at this blog post, so you're already thinking progressively about your website, which is a great step! Understanding that you've got to keep on top of your web image and promote yourself online, is important for impressing existing clients and attracting new ones.
1. You Don't Have A Website

No online presence means that people can't find you! Whether it's your address, your hours of operation, or a fully ready online store that is open 24 hours a day, while you sleep. People will decide where they want to do business via online research now before they ever set out to your business location, so make sure you can be found!
More on website creation here.

Have you ever been called by someone claiming to be Microsoft technical support, Revenue Canada or the IRS, only to find that it's someone trying to steal your information?
Where you might have told them exactly where to go or better yet, kept them on the line to waste THEIR time, this guy is working to keep them occupied permanently and shut them down wherever they're found!

As someone who spends a very large part of his day searching the internet for work related solutions, I have a few search tips for you!
The technique I probably use the most is the ignore words feature of google. Say I want to search for a recipe for salsa and I'm having a friend over that isn't a fan of the taste of tomatoes, so I search for salsa recipe -tomato and I find an interesting recipe for avocado corn salsa. It can also be used in multiples like this -> Imagine you were having a discussion with a friend about this John Wayne movie you were trying to remember. You make a search for John Wayne movie and you get a slew of results that unfortunately don't ring a bell. Now you know it wasn't a western, so you search for John Wayne movie -western which certainly vastly reduces the search but some of the top results are still not right so you begin filtering them out John Wayne movie -western -"Jet Pilot" -"Blood Alley" and there it is! Circus World!