Have you ever been called by someone claiming to be Microsoft technical support, Revenue Canada or the IRS, only to find that it's someone trying to steal your information?
Where you might have told them exactly where to go or better yet, kept them on the line to waste THEIR time, this guy is working to keep them occupied permanently and shut them down wherever they're found!
I couldn't readily find the solution for the title attribute for the Page tag not displaying on my content forms when I searched online so I posted the solution here.
The title attribute is used on child (content) pages to display different title tags than what is set on the master page. An example of the purpose of the title attribute is to be able to set your index page title to 'ShiftUp Consulting - Welcome to our website' and your contact page title to be 'ShiftUP Consulting - Please let us know what you think of the website'. More...
"Why are we getting a ? in our SQL database in people's names?" Well a while back we came across this problem from one of our clients in the first name and last name fields in their client database. The problem was that we were using varchar (which only accepts regular English language type letters and symbols) and not nvarchar which accepts unicode characters such as â or é for other languages. I thought I'd help out people having the same problem and explain the difference between char, varchar, nchar and nvarchar here. More...