As someone who spends a very large part of his day searching the internet for work related solutions, I have a few search tips for you!
The technique I probably use the most is the ignore words feature of google. Say I want to search for a recipe for salsa and I'm having a friend over that isn't a fan of the taste of tomatoes, so I search for salsa recipe -tomato and I find an interesting recipe for avocado corn salsa. It can also be used in multiples like this -> Imagine you were having a discussion with a friend about this John Wayne movie you were trying to remember. You make a search for John Wayne movie and you get a slew of results that unfortunately don't ring a bell. Now you know it wasn't a western, so you search for John Wayne movie -western which certainly vastly reduces the search but some of the top results are still not right so you begin filtering them out John Wayne movie -western -"Jet Pilot" -"Blood Alley" and there it is! Circus World!